
British Christian Organization Launches Online Survey to Gauge Religious Exclusion Levels

Amid rising worries about an increasing number of reports detailing intolerance and bias encountered by Christians in the United Kingdom in recent years, a Christian advocacy organization has revealed it garnered over 600 replies within two days of introducing an online survey aimed at evaluating the extent of freedom to express and uphold Christian beliefs in the nation.

The questionnaire, initiated in the beginning of August by Voice for Justice UK (VfJUK), serves as an introduction to the organization’s upcoming Commission of Inquiry into Discrimination Against Christians (CIDAC).

Anticipated to continue for two years, the inquiry will conclude by presenting a report to British parliament, to include actionable recommendations.

According to the organization, the feedback received thus far indicates that Christians are undergoing instances of disrespect and mockery, engaging in self-censorship, and choosing to exclude themselves. Several individuals have also reported instances where their beliefs led to job rejections and experiences of both subtle and overt forms of exclusion.   

“We aim to find out if Christians really are suffering discrimination and bigotry, or if it’s all a fuss about nothing, and their complaints [are] just those of a once elitist group losing influence and its hold on power,” Premier Christian News, a Britain-based website that reports internationally on news about issues affecting Christians, quoted VfJUK founder, Reverend Lynda Rose, as saying.

Ahead of that, we want to find out what grass-root Christians and other faith groups think—is freedom of speech and belief a reality in the UK?” Rose explained, adding: “Or are Christians the sacrificial lambs on the altar of woke reconfiguration?”   

According to VfJUK, Christians encounter forms of discrimination and intolerance across various domains.

These include instances where parents are refused the freedom to provide education to their children in alignment with their philosophical and religious perspectives, situations where mainstream media downplays the significance of Christians, and cases where expressing Christian beliefs, even in private, result in consequences affecting their employment.

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