January employment numbers, incorporating annual revisions, are out for Wisconsin. Here’s a picture of some indicators.
Figure 1: Wisconsin Nonfarm Payroll Employment (dark blue), Philadelphia Fed early benchmark measure of NFP (pink), Civilian Employment (tan), real wages and salaries, deflated by national chained CPI (sky blue), GDP (red), coincident index (green), all in logs 2021M11=0. Source: BLS, BEA, Philadelphia Fed [1], [2], and author’s calculations.
The Baumeister/Leiva-Leon/Sims Weekly Economic Conditions Index for state level data through 2 March is out.
Source: WECI, accessed 3/8/2024. Year-on-Year growth relative to national trend.
While WisGOP has been talking about a recession in Wisconsin, I am hard pressed to see it in the employment numbers, thus far.
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