
Allegations Surface: Indian Company Accused of Selling Contaminated Shrimp to U.S. Markets

In an investigative report conducted by NBC News in collaboration with The Outlaw Ocean Project, serious allegations have emerged against an Indian shrimp factory, implicating it in the sale of contaminated shrimp to major U.S. grocery chains. Joshua Farinella, a former employee of Choice Canning, has come forward as a whistleblower, shedding light on troubling practices within the company.

Farinella, who had accepted a lucrative job offer to manage the shrimp factory in southern India, was soon dismayed by what he encountered. Choice Canning, a supplier to prominent U.S. retailers like Walmart, Aldi, ShopRite, and H.E.B., allegedly operated unsanitary offsite peeling sheds and permitted the export of shrimp tainted with antibiotics, violating U.S. food safety regulations.

Furthermore, Farinella revealed disturbing labor practices at the company. Migrant workers, primarily women recruited from impoverished regions, endured harsh conditions, including overcrowded and bedbug-infested dormitories, and were restricted from leaving the company compound.

After capturing video evidence and recording conversations with senior leadership, Farinella filed a whistleblower complaint with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and other regulatory bodies, detailing his allegations. His actions have prompted congressional scrutiny, with lawmakers investigating the claims and urging action to safeguard consumers and address potential human rights violations.

Choice Canning has vehemently denied the accusations, asserting its commitment to compliance with industry standards and refuting Farinella’s credibility due to his criminal history. Farinella, however, emphasizes that his past does not define him, and he is determined to expose the truth about the company’s practices.

The allegations against Choice Canning underscore broader concerns about the global shrimp industry, particularly in India. A report by the Corporate Accountability Lab suggests systemic issues, including forced labor, abusive working conditions, and environmental damage, within the Indian shrimp sector.

While Choice Canning disputes Farinella’s claims and defends its practices, the revelations have sparked calls for increased scrutiny of seafood supply chains and enhanced regulatory oversight. The case highlights the importance of ensuring food safety and protecting the rights of workers in the global marketplace.

As investigations continue and public scrutiny intensifies, the outcome of Farinella’s whistleblowing efforts could have far-reaching implications for the shrimp industry and consumer confidence in seafood products imported from India.

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