When a purported data analyst says something strange, who you gonna call?
- St. Louis Fed FRED economic database Thousands of time series on economic activity, in an easily downloadable form. Contains some key series from BEA, BLS, Census, IMF, OECD, etc.
- St. Louis Fed ALFRED database. Vintages of many series in FRED.
- CBO data Includes Federal budget data, national economic data, and projections
- IMF International Financial Statistics international data at monthly, quarterly and annual frequencies.
- IMF World Economic Outlook databases data and forecasts at annual frequency, 1980 onward; includes forecasts as of WEO editions.
- World Bank World Development Indicators annual data, 1970 onward.
- OECD Main Economic Indicators
- DBnomics (a “European FRED”)
- ino.com Futures data.
- Penn World Tables v.10.
- BEA Distribution national income accounts
- Philadelphia Fed State Coincident Indexes
- IHS Markit (formerly Macroeconomic Advisers) Monthly GDP
- TradingEconomics many series cross-country graphable, downloadable with subscription
- YCharts Macro and equity market data series, downloadable with subscription
- MacroTrends many series, incl. commodity futures over long spans
- World Government Bonds government rates, spreads, ratings, CDS
- Investing.com many series, high frequency, many downloadable
Money, Finance
Detailed US economic data
- Bureau of Economic Analysis, Dept. of Commerce Data on GDP and components (the national income and product accounts) as well as other macroeconomic data.
- Bureau of the Census, Dept. of Commerce Data on the characteristics of the US population US firms, as well as other data.
- Bureau of Labor Statistics, Dept. of Labor Data on wages, prices, productivity, and employment and unemployment rates.
- Energy Information Agency, Dept. of Energy Data on energy (electricity, gas, petroleum) production, consumption and prices.
- Economic Report of the President, various years. The back portion of this annual publication contains about 70 tables of government economic data.
- Economic Indicators CEA and JEC Compilation of economic data in tabular form.
- NBER Data Specialized economic databases created by economists associated with the National Bureau of Economic Research.
International finance/open economy Macro
Business cycles
Surveys, Forecasts
Uncertainty Indices
High frequency and nowcasting data
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