My friends were raving about this viral hair mask, so I decided to try it. You don’t have to wash it off (it’s a dry spray) which means you actually use it, and I already notice a big difference — my hair feels much shinier and softer. Love a beauty product that works. Have you tried it?
Ramy’s monologue on SNL last weekend was pitch-perfect. Also, you guys, I walked right past him in the street the other day! I wanted to invite him to a games night! I did not!
Enjoyed this ode to women walking in film. I also just learned the Latin phrase solvitur ambulando, or “it is solved by walking.”
When I was a hungry high-schooler and would complain that there was nothing to eeeeeeat, my mom always suggested I make eggs. It was annoying at the time, haha, but now I’m into eggs for dinner. In her newsletter, Jenny Rosenstrach wrote about migas tacos, and I think the boys and I will have them tomorrow night, yum.