Iterating toward new readings for Econ 442 (Macroeconomic Policy). Last year I added to the undergrad course climate change and r*. Thanks for suggestions I asked for in this post. Here’s this year’s additions:
Source: Edelberg et al. (2024).
- For current outlook, CBO, The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2025 to 2035 (2025), coming out on January 17th, or Chapter 1 of Economic Report of the President, 2025 (coming out on January 15th).
- For implications of mass deportation: McKibben, et al., “The international economic implications of a second Trump presidency,” WP 20-24 (2024), and Edelberg et al., “Immigration and the macroeconomy in the second Trump administration” (2024)
- For the impact of debt: CBO, “Revisiting the Relationship Between Debt and Long-Term Interest Rates,” WP 2024-05
- For climate change, Stock, “Climate Change, Climate Policy, and Economic Growth,” NBER Macroeconomics Annual. 2020 and CBO, The Risks of Climate Change to the United States in the 21st Century (2024), Chapters 2-3.
- For central bank independence: Binder, “Political Pressures on Central Banks,” JMCB (2021).
These are added to the older readings:
The textbook is Blanchard, Macroeconomics.
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